Homeritz | Home Living Furniture Manufacturer and Export
Board Diversity Policy
1.0 Objective
This Policy sets out the approach to diversity on the Board of Directors of Homeritz Corporation Berhad and to recognise the recommendation of the Malaysian Code on Corporate Governance.
2.0 Scope
This Policy applies solely to the Board of Homeritz Corporation Berhad.
3.0 Policy Statement
3.1 The Board affirms its commitment to Board diversity. The Board believes a truly diversified Board can enhance its effectiveness, capacity and creativity and to achieve effective board stewardship.
3.2 The Company seeks to maintain a Board comprising talented and dedicated directors with a diverse mix of skills, knowledge, experience, race, gender, age and independence. The ultimate decision will be based on contributions and merit that the selected candidates will bring to the Board.
3.3 The Board recognises the importance to promote gender diversity. Hence, the normal selection criteria based on an effective blend of competencies, skills, extensive experience and knowledge to strengthen the Board remains a priority.
3.4 The Nominating Committee will review this policy on an annual basis to assess its effectiveness in promoting a diverse Board which includes an appropriate number of female directors. Any requirement for amendment and any recommendations for revisions will be highlighted and proposed to the Board for consideration and approval.